
let's go!:) Concert

Wczoraj wraz ze znajomymi wybralismy sie na koncert grupy "Perfekt" ktory byl znakomity a zabawa wspaniala. Oto pare zdjec oraz filmik.

Yesterday in my town in the market square we had concert. I went there with my friends.The Perfekt band played amazing ahh. 



Good deal:) hihi

Witam Was kochani specialnie dzisiaj wstalam wczesnie rano aby udac sie do.... Rossmanna:) Tylko dzisiaj Tusz Maxfactor 2000 Calorie kosztowal 50% taniej czyli 14,99. Az zal bylo nie zakupic chocby jednego. Ja osobiscie kupilam dwie jego wersje jedna dla mnie a druga dla mojej mamy ; wodoodporny oraz pogrubiajacy. Mam nadzieje ze sie sprawdzi:) Mozecie sprobowac go jeszcze dostac chociaz moze to byc trudne . Pod Rossmannem zaraz przed otwarciem byly tlumy. Buziaczki xxx

Hello everyone. Today I woke up very early because I went to.....Rossmann.Today 2000 Calorie Mascara Maxfactor for half price 14,99zl.. so I had to buy it one at least. I bought two. One for me and one for my mum.I chose waterproof volume and dramatic volume. I hope so they will work:) You can try get this mascara but it going to be hard because before they opened store lots of people were there. Kisses xx


I  ♥  salad:)

Witam Was kochani:) Sezon letni trwa wiec nalezy jesc jak nawiecej warzyw i owocow. Moja ulubiona forma to salatki:) Dzisiaj przyrzadzilam cos naprawde prostego a jednoczesnie zdrowego:) mmm:)

Hello everyone:) We still got summer so its perfect time to enjoy eating fruits and vegatables. My favourrite is salad of course:) Today I prepared something really simple and healthy... mmm:)


Sunday outfit:)

Witam Was Kochani:) Wczorajsza niedziela byla tak piekna ze oczywiscie musialam spedzic ja na udanym spacerku z rodzina:) Park znajduje sie okolo 40minut pieszo od mojego domu .Dzisiaj pogoda jednak juz tak nie dopisuje dlatego ciesze sie ze weekend byl udany. Buziaczki xxx

Hey everyone:) Yesterday the weather was so beautiful and I deffinately had to spend this day with my family.We went to local park about 40 minutes walk from my house. Today the weather is not that good like yesterday and im happy the weekend was sunny . Kisses xxx

sunglasses-,shirt-primark,pants-new look, bag-new look, watch-river island,flats-primark


Goraczka Euro 2012/ Euro 2012 Fever

Wczoraj ze znajomymi wybralismy sie aby obejzec mecz. Na rynku bylo oczywiscie tloczno poniewaz byl to wazny dla nas mecz. Polska grala z Czechami. Wielu ludzi krzyczalao i glosno dopingowalo druzyne. Niestety Polska przegralo i nie zagra juz wiecej podczas tych mistrzostw. Atmosfer byla cudowna xx 

Yesterday I went to watch football match with my friend. Market Square was really busy because it was important match Poland played with Czech Republic. Many people were very loud and screamed.Unfortunately Poland lost and won't play again.The atmosphere in the pub was really great:) xxx 


Lovely day with my boyfriend / Blackpool

We spent amazing day together in Blackpool .I was suprised because the weather was really nice Few pictures:

Pleasure Beach:)



Angielska prasa i dodatki:) /English press

Nie moglam odmowic sobie oczywiscia angielskich gazet. W In Style byl super dodatek dwie kredki do oczu za £3,90 z firmy The Body Shop. W cenie regularnej kredki warte sa razem £ 18!! wiec byla to niezla okazja.:) Kupilam rowniez popularnego obwarzanka do wlosow z Primarka . W Polsce jego cena wynosi okolo 12zl a w UK zaplacilam za niego £1:)

I had to buy some english magazines. 'In Style' has really nice benefit 2 The Body Shop eye liners for £ 3,90. In regular price they worth together £18!! so its was really good deal. I also bought hair donat in Primark. In Poland cost about 12zl and In UK I paid only £1:)


  Trip to Dove Stone:) 

Dovestone Reservoir is a reservoir situated in a valley above the village of Greenfield, in Saddleworth, Greater Manchester, England. Situated within the historic West Riding of Yorkshire, it is on the edge of the Peak District national park in the Pennines. While its main purpose is to supply drinking water to the surrounding area, it is also a major tourist attraction, offering several walks amongst picturesque landscapes. Just amazing....

jacket-, white basic- h&m, belt-sh, jeans- house, trainers-primark, bag-sh


Bedac w Anglii nie moglam nie zrobic chocby malych zakupow. Wybralismy sie do Manchesteru Trafford Centre oraz Manchester Arndale. Bylo super. Cala galeria handlowa byla ogromna i piekna . O to male zakupy

When I was in England I couldnt just missed do a little shopping. We went to Manchester Trafford Centre and Manchester Arndale.It was really great. Shopping mall was very big and beautfull xxx
playsuite- new look

purse- new look from my bf:)

bag- new look from my bf:)

watch- river island


Home sweet home:)

Witam Was kochani po dluzszej przerwie. Ostatnio spedzilam caly tydzien w Anglii. Byl to bardzo udany tydzien musze przyznac. Zwiedzilam pare miejsc do ktorych z pewnoscia chce wrocic. Czas szybko zlecial i musialam wracac do domu. Mam jednak nadzieje ze wkrotce zawitam tam na troche dluzej:). Poczynilam tam skromne zakupy i kupilam tez pare rzeczy dla rodzicow. Anglia bedzie przewijac sie przez pare kolejnych postow poniewaz mam Wam duzo do powiedzenia o zakupach oraz rzeczach ktore zobaczylam czy tez mnie zaskoczyly. xx

Hello everybody. I havent been wroten for so long. Last week I spent in England. It was really nice week to be honest. I saw few places and I definately want to come back there.As usually when we have holiday time goes so quick and I had to come back to Poland.I went shopping not big one and of course I bought something for my parents as well. Next few new posts will be about Enhland because I have much to tell u about shopping and thing Ive seen and What I was suprised about. Cheers xx