I'm back ...
It's been such a long time since I wrote a post on this Blog. I always think it's better to write something good or don't write at all. Recently I had a a lot going on in my life. Well never mind.
The best season is coming... Christmas I absolutely love Christmas. Unfortunately Christmas won't be as good as it was last year when we spent this time with my family. Anyway I hope I will see them soon. I just wanted to give you guys a little update. See you soon again xx
My Ugg boots!!
Czesc Wam kochani:) Mam nadzieje ze tydzien mija Wam spokojnie. Zawsze o nich marzylam i do tej pory mialam ich tanszy odpowiednik z Primarka. Jednak roznica jest ogromna. wybralam kolor Tan Suede a rozmiar to 6.5 UK czyli 39 zamowilam je ze strony Schuh. Sa takie cieplutkie i mieciutkie ze nie moge ich przestan dotykac. Pogoda zmienia sie nieustannie i ostatnio od nowa jest chlodno wiec sprawdza sie napewno. A Wy co sadzicie o Ugg'sach? Buziaczki dla Was xx Magda
Hey lovelies:) I hope you're all having a fab week. I have always dreamt about those boots.Till now I got cheaper version from Prmiark. The different between them its huge. I chose Tan Suede colour and size UK 6.5 Eur 39 I ordered from schuh website.Boots are so warm and comfy I cant stop touching them!!. The weather is changing all the time and its cold again so uggs going to be perfect for it. What do you think about Ugg boots? Kisses Magda xx
Primark/ New Look Shopping
Hey lovelies :) I havent been here for ages I know but as you know sometimes life gives us suprices that we can predict and its hard to find free moment for ourselfs. Recently I went to Primark and New Look. I bought few things. Check this out. Plus the weather in England was great inb last few days and Im in really good mood. I hope you are enjoying weekend kisses Magda xx
Udany Poranek/Beautifull Morning
Hey lovelies:) I love morning like this one. Great breakfast and doughnut for dessert and lovely weather outside. How you started monday? Kisses Magda xx
Valentine's Day
Witam Was kochani:) wczoraj byla wyjatkowy dzien . Dzien Zakochanych. Wiem ze milosc powinno okazywac sie caly rok a nie tylko jeden dzien w roku. Dla mnie byy one wyjatkowe bo byly to pierwsze walentynki ktore spedzilismy z moim chlopakiem razem.Z samego rana dostalam przepiekny bukiet 12 czerwonych roz i kartke ahh jak milo zaczac tak dzien. Moja niespodzianka polegala na przygotowaniu kolacji kiedy moj chlopak wrocil z pracy a zreszta sami ocencie:)
Jak Wam minal ten dzien? buziaczki Magda xxx
Hello lovelies:) Yesterday as you know it was special day. The Valentine's day. Yeah Yeah I know we should show love all year not only one day a year. It was specail day for me because it was first Velentine's I spent together with my boyfriend.At the morning I got beautiful bouquet of 12 roses and Valentine's card. My suprice was nice dinner when my boyfriend got home from work what do you think about it? How you spend Valentine's Day? Kisses Magda xx
Jak Wam minal ten dzien? buziaczki Magda xxx
Hello lovelies:) Yesterday as you know it was special day. The Valentine's day. Yeah Yeah I know we should show love all year not only one day a year. It was specail day for me because it was first Velentine's I spent together with my boyfriend.At the morning I got beautiful bouquet of 12 roses and Valentine's card. My suprice was nice dinner when my boyfriend got home from work what do you think about it? How you spend Valentine's Day? Kisses Magda xx
Hey Wam:)Wczoraj z racji tego ze spadlo dosyc duzo sniegu postanowilismy z moim chlopakiem ulepic balwana w ogrodku heh:) nie pamietam kiedy ostatni raz to robilam ale mialam niezly ubaw. Przydaly sie moje kalosze bo sniegu bylo calkiem sporo. A Wy ulepiliscie juz balwana? buziaczki xx Magda
Hey lovelies:) Yesterday I made snow man in the back garden with my boyfriend. I dont remember when I made snowman last time but we had so much fun. Its good thing that I had my wellies:)We had lots of snow. what do you think about our snowman? Did u make your already? kisses xx Magda
Hey lovelies:) Yesterday I made snow man in the back garden with my boyfriend. I dont remember when I made snowman last time but we had so much fun. Its good thing that I had my wellies:)We had lots of snow. what do you think about our snowman? Did u make your already? kisses xx Magda
Trip to Ikea
Hey kochani:) w zeszła niedziele razem z moim chłopakiem wybraliśmy sie do Ikei. Uwielbiam meble i dekoracje więc byłam w siódmym niebie. Niestety nie znaleźliśmy tego czego szukaliśmy . Oczywiscie zrobilam pare zdjec. Kupiliśmy tylko 2 garnki aby moc gotować puszne zupki:)jak Wam mija tydzień ?
Hey lovelies :) Last Sunday me and my boyfriend went to Ikea. I love furniture and decoration so I really enjoyed. We didn't find it what we looked for. Obviously I took few pictures. We bought few bigger pots to cook delicious soups ;)how are u ?
Hey lovelies :) Last Sunday me and my boyfriend went to Ikea. I love furniture and decoration so I really enjoyed. We didn't find it what we looked for. Obviously I took few pictures. We bought few bigger pots to cook delicious soups ;)how are u ?
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lovely slippers <3 |
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me |
Soap & Glory Love:)
Hey wszystkim dzisiaj przychodze do Was ze slodkosciami dla ciala i duszy:) Wszystkie produkty soap & glory pachna cudownie i slicznie prezentuja sie w rozowej kosmetyczce.Co wy o nich sadzicie? lubicie ta marke? buziaczki xx Magda
Hey lovelies Today I want to show u goodies for body and soul:) All products Soap % Glory are great and they look amazing in pink bag. What do you think about it? Do you guys like this brand? kisses xxx Magda

Hey lovelies Today I want to show u goodies for body and soul:) All products Soap % Glory are great and they look amazing in pink bag. What do you think about it? Do you guys like this brand? kisses xxx Magda
I arrived:)
Witam Was Kochani:) troszke mnie nie bylo. Rzeczy juz rozpakowane i wyladowalam szczesliwie. Mieszkam teraz w Uk. Postaram sie dodawac posty na biezaco oczywiscie w miare mozliwosci. Aaa i oczywiscie Szczesliwego Nowego Roku oby przyniosl Wam mnostwo pieknych chwil i niespodzianek muze przyznac ze ja zaczelam go cudownie. Do uslyszenia .
Hello lovelies:) Its been a while since I post something on here. I arrived and unpack my stuff. I live in the uk now. I will try post regular of course whenever I can. Ohh btw Happy New Year. I wish you all many beautiful moments and surprices. I already started this year and everything goes good.
See you soon
Hello lovelies:) Its been a while since I post something on here. I arrived and unpack my stuff. I live in the uk now. I will try post regular of course whenever I can. Ohh btw Happy New Year. I wish you all many beautiful moments and surprices. I already started this year and everything goes good.
See you soon
Wesołych Świąt/ Merry Christmas
Wiem ze nie bede oryginalna bo wszyscy skladaja zyczenia ale mimo wszystko pragne Wam zlozyc najserdeczniejsze zyczenia z okazji swiat Bozego Narodzenia. Mam nadzieje ze spedzicie je w gronie rodziny i przyjaciol otoczeni miloscia i zrozumieniem. Buziaczki dla Was.
Ps. Kolejny post nadam juz z innego miejsca....
May you have the Gift or Faith , the Blessing of Hope and the Peace of His Love at Christmas and Always .
Kisses xx
Ps. Next post I will publish from different place on the Earth hih..
Ps. Kolejny post nadam juz z innego miejsca....
May you have the Gift or Faith , the Blessing of Hope and the Peace of His Love at Christmas and Always .
Kisses xx
Ps. Next post I will publish from different place on the Earth hih..
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