Takie male co nieco:p chleb ze startym czosnkiem posypanym zerem mozarella i ziolami prowansalskimi. Mala rzecz a cieszy pycha!:)
A little thing. Bread with grated garlic and mozarella cheese and povence herb. To be honest its nothing special but delicious!
Pędzle Ecotools/ Ecotools brushes
Dzisiaj prezentuje Wam dwa nowe bambusowe pedzle ktore nabylam z Ecotools nr1200 i 1203. Moim zdaniem sa swietne. Wykonane sa z miekkiego wlosia i sa bardzo trwale nie gubia wloskow.Napewno bede polowala na kolejne pedzeli z tej firmy. A Wy co o nich myslicie? Buziaczki xx
Today I would like to show you two bamboo brushes from Ecotools no. 1200 and 1203. In my opinion they are great. They are very soft , pernament and dont lose hair. Deffinately I will buy another one from The Ecotools. What do you think about them? let me know. Kisses xx
Muffins Muffins!!♥♥
Well I don't need to say much everybody loves muffins . Especially when is so dark and cold outside. As you know chocolate can make our day better:) Quick and yummy xx

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