
lazy sunday evening

Jak to juz bywa w niedziele nie ma co robic wieczorami zwlaszcza jesli pogoda nie jest idealna.Dlatego tez dzisiejszy wieczor spedze z paczka czipsow i simsami:) pozniej moze ogladne jakis film. Od zawsze dekorowanie domu itp bylol moja pasja zaluje ze nic z nia nie zrobilam wiec chociaz w taki sposob moge cos z nia zrobic a jak Wam minela niedziela? buziaczki xx Magda

As usually on sunday im bored and evenings are lazy especially when the weather is not very good.Therefore this evening im spending with pack of crisps and The Sims 3 maybe later I will watch some tv. Since I remember I like decoration the house etc.its just my pasion and I regret that its only my pasion still. so I can play The Sims at least. How you been spent your sunday? kisses Magda:) 
